Are Snapchat Emojis Accurate? (Do They Differ?)

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If you’re a regular user of Snapchat, then you may have noticed that there are little emojis next to the Snapchat profiles of some of the friends on your friend’s list. 

Are Snapchat Emojis Accurate (Do They Differ)

You may also have noticed that these emojis change often, but you may not know why, or if these emojis mean anything, and if they are accurate.

We are here to help! In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about Snapchat emojis. Read on for more!

What Do The Snapchat Emojis Mean?

The Snapchat emojis you see next to your friend’s name simply reflects the way you interact with that friend on Snapchat.


Different Snapchat friends will have different emojis next to their names depending on a variety of different factors. Let’s check out some examples!

The Baby Emoji

The baby emoji next to someone’s name means the two of you just became friends on Snapchat. 

The Smiley Face Emoji

You can have up to eight best friends on Snapchat, and a smiley face next to someone’s name means that this person is one of them. 

The Gold / Yellow Heart Emoji

The gold heart emoji next to someone’s name on Snapchat means that you are each other’s best friends.

A best friend on Snapchat is the person who you send the most messages to.

So, if there is a gold heart present next to their name, then you send the most messages to them, and they send the most messages to you. 

The Red Heart Emoji

The red heart emoji means that you and your best friend on Snapchat have been best friends for two simultaneous weeks. 


The Double Pink Heart Emoji

This emoji means that you and your best friend on Snapchat have been best friends for two simultaneous months. 

The Smirking Face Emoji

The smirking face emoji is present next to someone else’s name when you are their best friend on Snapchat, but you are not theirs. To put it another way, they have sent you the most messages, but you have not sent them the most messages. 

The Birthday Cake Emoji

The birthday cake being featured next to someone’s name means it is their birthday!

The Grimacing Face Emoji

If you see this emoji next to someone else’s name, then it means you share a best friend. So, your best friend on Snapchat is also their best friend on Snapchat. 

The Sunglass Face Emoji

If you see this emoji next to someone’s name, then it means you two share a best friend. So, one of your eight besties is one of their eight besties, too. 

The Fire Emoji

If you see the fire emoji, it means that you are on a Snapstreak with the person it is next to. You will also find a number next to this person’s name, indicating how long you have had a streak. 

The 100 Emoji

If you see the 100 Emoji next to someone else’s name, then this means you have kept up a Snapstreak for 100 days! 

The Hourglass Emoji

If you see the hourglass emoji, then it means your streak is close to ending. You will need to send Snap to the person you have a streak with if you want this streak to continue. 

Are The Snapchat Emojis Accurate?

Yes! The Snapchat emojis are very accurate. Naturally, they do not apply to your real life – your best friend on Snapchat may not be your closest friend in real life, for example.

Are Snapchat Emojis Accurate? (Do They Differ?)

However, as far as the world of Snapchat goes, then the emojis are an accurate representation of your interactions on the app. 

However, you are actually able to change the default emojis if you do not like them, and you can change them to whatever you want.

So, it is important to note that the emojis will be accurate when someone is using Snapchat with the default emoji settings, but they may not be accurate if someone is using Snapchat with custom emoji settings.

How Can You Change The Default Snapchat Emojis?

As previously mentioned, if you do not like the default Snapchat emojis, then you are able to change them. Here’s how to do it! 

1. Go to the main Snapchat screen, and tap your profile picture at the top. 

2. Once you are on the main profile page, click your settings. 

3. In your settings, find the option that says “Manage” and click it.

4. In “Manage”, you will find an option called “Friend Emojis.” Tap this. 

5. Now, you can go ahead and customize the emojis of your friends list. Just click the friend whose emoji you want to change and hit the new emoji you would like next to their name. 

6. Now, hit the back arrow which will save your settings. 

And there you have it! The emoji should now have changed. 

Additionally, the Snapchat emojis next to people’s names on your friends list can also change if your interactions with them change.

For example, if you start sending snaps to a new person on your friend list more often than your best friend, then eventually your best friend will change. 

Final Thoughts 

Snapchat emojis appear next to your friends’ names depending on how you interact with them on the app.

If you snap each other more than other people, then you will probably see a yellow or gold heart to signify “best friends.” If you see a birthday cake, it means it is your friends’ birthday, and so on! 

Snapchat emojis can change and differ if your interactions change, but you can also change them yourself.

So, Snapchat emojis will be accurate if you are using the default settings, but if you are using the custom emoji settings, then they will be less accurate. 

We hope this article answered all your questions about the accuracy of Snapchat emojis!
