3 Digital Marketing Memes Guide

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The phrase “meme” has been making its way into the digital marketing vernacular recently. What is a “meme,” and why are so many in the industry talking about them? A meme is an idea that spreads from person to person like a virus.

It takes on a life of its own and it becomes part of our collective consciousness. Often these memes spread faster than people can explain them, leaving followers to figure out what the creator was trying to say.

This makes it almost impossible to kill off a new digital marketing meme once it gains steam. With that in mind, here are some of the most popular current digital marketing memes:

Digital Marketing Memes Guide

Digital marketing memes

Meme marketing is the use of memes to promote your brand narrative.


It’s a fun, low-effort way to connect with your audience and increase your engagement rate, as memes are highly shareable.

A quick background on memes – they’re concepts, behaviors, or ideas that spread on the internet.

Content Is King

The one thing you have to be successful in digital marketing is great content. From your blog posts to your Instagram stories, content is what gets people to engage with your brand and your products.

A good content marketing strategy is the key to making your brand relevant in an era where people are flocking to social media to fill their lives with ideas and experiences.

Once you’ve got your head around the idea of creating content that people want to see, your digital marketing strategy will be in great shape.

Test, Test, Test

The only way to know if your digital marketing strategy is working is to test.

You can’t know if your content is inspiring the right kind of interest for your brand until you see what kinds of reactions people have to it.


You’ll also get a good sense of how successful it was if you start seeing more sales from your Instagram posts. Experiment with content types, post times, and hashtags to see which strategies are working best for your brand.

And when in doubt, there’s nothing like a little data to give you a clear picture of how your efforts are progressing. When it comes to testing your digital marketing strategies, there’s no better way to find out what really works than with data.

Data Is the Answer

If you want to find out how effective your digital marketing strategies are, you’re going to need some data.

A little research on your own is fine, but it’s much more accurate if you can get third-party sources to help you crunch the numbers.

Once you’ve got your data set up and your analysis underway, you’ll be able to see exactly what’s going well for your brand on social media and exactly what aspects of your strategy need a little tweaking.

From there, you can adjust your content types and posting times to give your strategy the boost it needs. How else would you know if your digital marketing strategies are working if you don’t have a way to test them?


The way people interact with brands and see products and services has changed drastically in the past few years. This is largely thanks to the rise of digital marketing, specifically social media.

By using social media, brands can reach out to a huge audience and potentially engage with them on a more personal level. While social media has been around for a while, it really came into its own in the last five years.

Now, brands are using social media to engage with their audience in a whole new way and target core demographics in a very specific way. People are interacting with brands in ways they never have before and have a lot more power when it comes to influencing their purchases.
