My Printer Won’t Print GiFs Properly [Fixed]

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In the 21st century, it’s practically impossible to avoid seeing a GIF. They’re everywhere — as message attachments, social media shares, and even advertisements.

And with their growing prevalence, the demand for printers that can print these images has increased substantially. If you have a printer at home or in your office, you’ve probably wondered if they can print GIFs.

The answer is yes. However, this isn’t always an easy task. Depending on the model of your printer and its firmware version, it may not be able to process this kind of file correctly.

Fortunately, there are ways around this issue. If you want to know how to make your printer print a GIF properly, keep reading for our expert tips and tricks.

My Printer Won't Print Gi Fs Properly

My Printer Won’t Print Gi Fs Properly

If your printer outputs images that are too dark, too light, or with incorrect color tones, it’s likely that your machine can’t properly process this type of image file.

The reason behind this printing error could be that your printer model isn’t compatible with GIF files, or that the model is too old to support this type of file format.

If you’re trying to print a GIF but your printer keeps printing out a black or blank page, it’s likely that the device is set to print in black and white only. To change this setting, follow the instructions below!

Why Are My Printer’s Gif PrintOuts so Dark?

If your GIF printouts are too dark, there’s a chance that you’re using photo paper to print your image.

Photo paper is designed to reproduce colors and images in their true, vibrant form. If you’re using this type of paper to print your GIF, you’ll likely see the image in its original, dark form.

To avoid this issue, select a plain or plain-colored paper type. This being said, your printer may also be set to print in black and white only. If this is the case, you’ll have to change the printer’s settings to print in color. To do this, follow the instructions below.

Different Ways to Print a GIF

If your printer is having trouble processing your GIF, there are a few ways you can try to fix this issue.


Here are some quick tips:

– Print your GIF in black and white. Depending on your printer model and the type of paper you’re using, a colored printout may not be true to your image.

– If you’re using photo paper, try printing your GIF in full color. Using colored paper will give your printout the vibrancy it needs to stand out.

– Change the paper type you’re using to plain or plain-colored paper. This will help you achieve the best results when printing GIFs.

– If your printer is set to print in black and white, change the settings to print in full color.

– Try printing your GIF on normal paper versus photo paper. This will help you achieve better results with a darker image.

Your Printer May Not Be Able to Process Animation Scripts

If your printer is having trouble printing a GIF, there may be an issue with the way it’s reading the file.

In some cases, animations or scripts are written with non-standard language codes.

In turn, this could interfere with how your printer reads the file. If you’re trying to print a GIF but your printer keeps producing inaccurate or blank printouts, there’s a chance it’s reading the file incorrectly.

To fix this issue, try to re-save your GIF with a different file extension.

Your Printer Does Not Have Correct Firmware

The firmware of your printer is its operating system.

Depending on your machine’s version, it may not be able to process certain file formats, including GIFs. To check your printer’s firmware version, follow the instructions below.

Go to your printer’s control panel. Select the “System” tab. You should see your firmware version listed there. If your printer’s firmware is out of date, you can download the latest version from your printer manufacturer’s website.

If your printer doesn’t have the correct firmware version, you can update it by following these steps: Connect your printer to your computer and make sure that it’s turned on. Go to your printer manufacturer’s website and download the firmware update. Follow the installation instructions to install the new firmware onto your printer.


If you want to print a GIF on your printer, you should know that this isn’t always an easy task. Depending on your printer model, it may not be able to process this type of image file correctly. To solve this issue, try the tips and tricks below.

GIFs are images that are designed to loop, meaning that they play continuously from beginning to end without stopping. While GIFs can be any length, they’re often short and simple animations lasting between 2 and 10 seconds.

Now that you’ve read this article, you have all the information you need to print a GIF. Start by changing your printer’s settings to print in color. If your printer is having trouble reading your image file, try re-saving your image with a different file extension.
