What Does Pretzel Emoji Mean Sexually? (Read To Know!)

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What Does Pretzel Emoji Mean Sexually? (Read To Know!)

The pretzel emoji is a straightforward and cute symbol of sexual desire. Still, it also has a few less apparent meanings than you might think. So read on to find out what the purpose of this emoji is!

This post explains all about the Pretzel Emoji Meaning Sexually.

What Does Pretzel Emoji Mean Sexually?

It is a fascinating question. The pretzel emoji can mean being flexible in sexual positions or, more specifically, having sex with someone lying down.

In contrast, you lie on top of them and face up. This could be a position where both partners have their faces near their genitals, and one partner may be face down.


How To Use Pretzel Emoji

To use this emoji on WhatsApp, you need to send some text messages to your lover.

Example: If you want to tell your friend that you love them in a sexual way by using this emoji, just write “I Love You” on WhatsApp. Then put the emoji after the message and send it.

But if you really want to show your affectionate gesture towards your girlfriend/boyfriend, use the same technique above. Just replace ‘I Love You’ with ‘Love You’ or ‘Sweetheart’ etc.

You can send it via Whatsapp, Facebook, or any other social media platform.

How Does The Pretzel Emoji Meaning Work? 

The next question is how this emoji works in terms of sexual expressions. So, firstly let us know the primary purpose of using this emoji is?

It is pretty evident from the name itself that it is meant for expressing sexual desires.

And when it comes to sexual desires, there are two types of people. Those that express their passions openly and honestly hide their true feelings under the garb of false modesty.


However, the pretzel emoji lets you express yourself through your actions rather than words.

So, you don’t have to stop yourself whenever you want to express your true feelings towards your partner. Instead, you can try to act like a sexually flexible person to convey your feelings to your partner.

As we said before, this emoji only conveys that you are willing to experiment in your relations with your partner.

Now, this may sound a little strange and weird to some people. But once you get used to it, you won’t feel embarrassed anymore.

Now coming back to the exact usage of this emoji, this emoji works best for those who are honest lovers and are ready to experiment.

They know that no matter what happens during experimentation, they should go ahead without worrying about the consequences.

This is precisely why this emoji is known as a foolproof method of showing your sexual preference.

However, if you are not comfortable experimenting with your partner, you shouldn’t use this emoji. Because there is always a chance that your partner may misunderstand your intentions.

How To Flirt Using Emojis

To flirt using emojis, all you have to do is follow these simple steps

1) Send a cute emoji to your flirting partner.
2) Write a short but sweet comment along with the emoji.
3) Wait till your flirting partner responds with their answer.
4) Enjoy hearing their reply.
5) Keep sending more cute emojis and reading their replies until they stop responding.
6) Use similar methods to flirt with others.
7) Start flirting with new people.
8) Never forget to share your experience with other users.
9) Your flirting journey has started now! ?
10) Have fun!!

Other Emoji Meanings Sexually

There are many different meanings behind the use of different emojis. Some of them are very obvious, while some are pretty hidden. Here are some of the standard emoji’s purposes related to sex:-

❌️ Naughty Emoji

If someone sends you this emoji, they want to spend time with you. This emoji is usually preferred by those individuals who love to spice up their relationship with each other.

Heart Emoji

If you see this emoji appearing in your chat history, it means that your friend loves you. If your friend also uses this emoji with a sexual comment, it means that they want to kiss you.

Hugs And Kisses Emoji

A hug or a kiss from your partner is always welcome. Both of these gestures show how much your partner cares for you.

? Loved By Me Emoji

Whenever you receive this emoji, it means you are loved by your partner. It is basically saying that your partner appreciates everything about you.

Cute Smiling Face Emoji

Whenever you see this pretty smiley face appearing in your conversation, it means that you and your partner enjoy each other.


To conclude, every emoji comes with its own unique meaning. However, these meanings can be inferred.
