Why Do Snapchat Emojis Go Away? (Reasons They Disappear!)

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Have you ever wondered why the emojis on Snapchat vanish? It would be assumed that they would stay yet Snapchat changes this theory.

Why Do Snapchat Emojis Go Away (Reasons They Disappear!)

In this article, we will be exploring Snapchat’s emojis, particularly looking at their heart system.

Heart Emojis On Snapchat

If you are someone who uses Snapchat frequently then you will recognize their heart system.

This is an emoji that you will see when chatting with a friend and is presented next to their name. Depending on how often you chat, the emoji next to their name will change.


Yellow Heart

The first emoji you will see is the yellow heart. This yellow heart represents the first stage of friendship according to Snapchat.

If you see a yellow heart emoji next to that friend’s name then that means that they are your number one best friend on the app and you are theirs.

The way this is confirmed is based on the amount of snaps the two of you have sent to each other. You would have mutually sent more snaps to each other than any of your other friends on Snapchat.

Red Heart

Next we have the red heart and this is in a higher league than the yellow.

If you see a red heart next to someone’s name on your friends list, this is a sign that the two of you have stayed number one best friends on Snapchat for two consecutive weeks.

Pink Hearts

Finally, you have the pink hearts. Pink hearts are above both the yellow heart and the red heart as it shows that the two of you have been each other’s number one best friend for a straight two months.

Why Do Heart Emojis Disappear?

Although you can receive these hearts, unfortunately, they do not last forever. Heart emojis will disappear on Snapchat and this is because you would have broken the consecutive days of friendship.


In order to get a yellow, red or pink heart, you would have to snap that same person every day without fail, and this has to come from both sides.

If you are sending your friend a Snapchat and they open the message but don’t respond in the 24 hours, that heart emoji will be gone.

Can You Get The Heart Emoji Back?

Unfortunately, once that heart emoji is gone there is no way to get it back. You and your friend will have to start all over again from the beginning, putting in the work every day to remember to snap each other to gain back that heart.

Do All Snapchat Emojis Disappear?

Once you get an emoji on your friends list, it is up to you to make sure it stays as it will eventually disappear.

The emojis on Snapchat are purely based on your interactions with your friends, so it is down to you as the user to keep your interactions frequent.

Below are some examples of other emojis on Snapchat and their meanings:

Smirking Face

A smirking face emoji is similar to the hearts, but instead of you both being mutual number one friends, you are theirs while they are not yours.


You can also have a flame next to a name and this is very popular among Snapchat users. This fire emoji represents the Snapstreak you have with a friend.

Why Do Snapchat Emojis Go Away? (Reasons They Disappear!)

This means that you would have sent each other a snap every single day and this is shown through the number next to the flame.

As the days go on, the number rises. If one person was to miss a day, the Snapstreak will be broken and you would have to start again.

Birthday Cake

The birthday cake emoji shows next to a friend on your friends list if it is their birthday. This is not only a nice touch but it helps people to remember birthdays.

Grimacing Face

If you see a friend of yours with a grimace face next to their name, this means that your number one best friend is also their number one best friend.


There is also the hourglass emoji and this is one that adds plenty of pressure. If you see an hourglass, that means that you and that friend are about to lose your Snapstreak.

Snapchat gives you a total of 24 hours to reply to a snap. If you see an hourglass then you know time is limited.

Final Thoughts

Whilst the emojis on Snapchat do not last forever, it is still a fun activity to get involved in whether that be keeping track of Snapstreaks or seeing how many times you can message a friend before seeing a heart emoji.

But nobody wants to lose these emojis so make sure to never forget to snap!
